Monday, June 17, 2024

 Just Released! US & UK codes available from  Insanity? Perhaps. Nonsense? A bit. FUN? Absolutely! And yes, Philosophical too.

Join washed-up bodyguard Rian Morris for his second chance - protecting one of history’s most controversial authors, Ayn Rand, and her squad of eccentric Atheist Authors, brought back to life by Baxidrone-98. You'll encounter an evil blood cult, devious charitable organizations, the mafia, a bizarre underground city, and hundreds of random lunatics with guns. This is rollicking good fun.

To see the book description and ordering options on Audible, click here.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Poetry to Make Your Spirit SOAR!

Just Released: US and UK Codes are available to download a free review copy. Sales of my previous production of Kyle's poetry, Back to Eden: An Exploration of the Garden, keeps picking up momentum as more and more listeners discover his talent and wisdom. It explores issues of alcohol/addiction recovery using  scripture. Our new release has a more expansive perspective, using Old and New Testament writings applied to 21st Century life. Listen to this and feel YOUR spirit soar! Click on the image for ordering information and to hear a sample.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

A Wild Romp with a wild, crazy guy with a heart of gold!

Just Released! Dances With Donkeys by Jim Dale. US and UK codes to download a free review copy available. This would-be cowboy had many wild rides indeed, some of them hair-raising. By the end listeners will find the pure heart of this simple (?) husband, father and half-assed hero inspires love in our hearts. And hope!

Publisher WildBlue Press said some wonderful things about my performance: 

Harry Roger Williams III brings Jim's stories to life. His background is as ranges from horror to spiritual poetry, and his journey from "Harry the Librarian" to the voice behind these tales adds depth and authenticity to DANCES WITH DONKEYS. Imagine sitting around a campfire, listening to a seasoned storyteller weave a tapestry of cowboy life—that's what Harry does with this audiobook.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

100 Year Old Perspective on a "New" Trend: Fasting


Just Released! Upton Sinclair spent years as a vegetarian after researching the meat packing industry for his best-selling 1906 expose, The Jungle.

He also spent years with ill health. In The Fasting Cure he summarized and popularized the research of contemporaries who were pioneers in the movement for self-health.

Publisher Peter Lerman of Bull Mouse Publishing House put this video together with my narration for The Fasting Cure. You can watch it on YouTube by clicking HERE.

It was initially available via Audible but is now with different distributors including at Chirp.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Classic Slasher Horror Done Right!

My latest release.  Jon Athan, author of FIFTY incredible novels, brings you a shockingly suspenseful and violent slasher inspired by the classics. He has been generous with praise for my performances of (6 of) his books, recently writing "you really have a way of elevating my work. I was actually tensing up while listening to it!" Particularly rewarding was a comment by one of HIS fans saying "Harry Roger Williams III always brings your stories to life." Email me for a download code (specify US or UK) for a free review copy.  Warning: This novel contains graphic content. Listener discretion is advised.  Click HERE to see the Audible listing.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Well Written and Really Horrible!

JUST RELEASED! I've done horror - nearly a dozen (out of 91 produced) including truly extreme horror, but nothing prepared me for this! I had to stop a couple of times and regroup. I even considered using a pseudonym, until I remembered some I've already done. So be warned: "There are graphic scenes of grossness, violence, and gore (and some comedy)." Sea Caummisar is an incredibly skillful writer of offbeat, humorous horror! Click HERE to see the Audible listing.  For a free review copy, email me:  

Sunday, July 11, 2021

From the Seminary to the Newsroom

 I experienced "the turmoil of the 1960s, and revolutionary changes in the Catholic Church triggered by the Second Vatican Council" while attending a men's Catholic college that hosted a summit on Pacem in terris, the last encyclical by, and the "last will and testament" of, John Pope XXIII, proclaiming that peace must be based on truth, justice, love and freedom. It laid the groundwork for much of the student activism of the 60s. Lawrence D. Maloney attended a Seminary at the time, fulfilling a "lifelong" (through 8th grade) ambition to become a priest. We each found a secular vocation, he as a noted journalist and publisher, I as "Harry the Librarian." If you read "Look Inside" at the book's Amazon page you will experience personal storytelling that transports you to that time of innocence and idealism. Clicking on the book cover will take you to the Amazon page for the book.