I just posted the following comment on Library Journal's web site in response to their article, "Congress Creates Super Federal Library Agency":
I received the April 1st issue today. Looking at the cover article I assumed that “Congress Creates Super Federal Library Agency” was an April Fools joke. Then I saw that the date on LJ on the e-reader was April 1, 2015, and thought perhaps this was a true essay in futurism. I hurried to read the article.
My first clue to the aptness of my initial impulse was “A cabal of politically savvy library administrators and congressional staffers did the impossible…” Further along I tripped over the name of “the Congressional Research Service’s Winston Smith.”
The sidebar quote from “Sen. Dewey Cutter” topped the rest. As a proud graduate of Columbia University’s SLS (yes, youngsters, there really once was an ALA accredited library school at CU) that name was guaranteed to tickle the funny bone.
If I have misread, and Paul J. Steere’s contribution is the result of scholarship, research and sincere prognostication, I offer my profound apology.