[The message below was written and posted the night of the concert, Sunday, December 6th. On Saturday, December 12th, it was published, as noted - and scanned - above. I returned to this post and highlighted with bold type the sections that were omitted in the published version. My reaction to the editing is noted in my entry from the 12th.]
Another Letter to the Editor at the [Brockton] Enterprise. I hope they will print it, it is truly heartfelt.
To the Enterprise Editor:
Sunday’s snow was perfect for Brockton Symphony Orchestra’s Holiday Pops Concert. The West Middle School auditorium was packed, the audience as diverse as the music. Dr. Emilian Badea led the Orchestra, soloists and even the audience in 19 pieces - 32 counting the sing-alongs, “Festive Sounds of Hanukah” and “A Christmas Festival.” Dr. Badea is a born teacher. We learned music can portray snow, wind and chattering teeth in Vivaldi’s “Winter, from the Four Seasons,” and a bassoon can become a grumpy old bear in Fucik’s “The Old Sore-head.” “Winter” featured accordion soloist Christopher Gorton, whose virtuosity inspired Dr. Badea to call him back for two encores. Fucik’s bear was portrayed by bassoon soloist Stephanie Busby. She commanded the instrument, nearly as large as a bear. A special treat was the return to Brockton of Miss Rhode Island, soprano Francesca Simone, in incredible gown and heavenly voice. She sang “O Holy Night” and “Ave Maria,” and in a duet with flautist Carolyn Baughman, “O Belle Nuit,” made even lovelier by Emilia Pepen’s harp. Leo MacNeil of Harbor One Credit Union, the Symphony’s principle sponsor, introduced Dennis Carmen of United Way of Plymouth County, guest conductor for “Jingle Bells Forever,” a combination of the Christmas carol with Sousa. There isn’t room to describe every song, but the afternoon was made even more enchanting when 118 children, the West Middle School Chorus, came on stage. They sang “White Christmas” a cappella, “Ose Shalom” accompanied by clarinet, accordion and string quartet, and “Jamaican Noel” with Dr. Badea on piano. The children were conducted by Rebecca Desmond, whose pride in them was a joy to behold. Later in the show they returned, along with Ms. Simone, to lead the audience in Leroy Anderson’s “Christmas Festival.” This was a wonderful concert.
Harry R. Williams III
Another Letter to the Editor at the [Brockton] Enterprise. I hope they will print it, it is truly heartfelt.
To the Enterprise Editor:
Sunday’s snow was perfect for Brockton Symphony Orchestra’s Holiday Pops Concert. The West Middle School auditorium was packed, the audience as diverse as the music. Dr. Emilian Badea led the Orchestra, soloists and even the audience in 19 pieces - 32 counting the sing-alongs, “Festive Sounds of Hanukah” and “A Christmas Festival.” Dr. Badea is a born teacher. We learned music can portray snow, wind and chattering teeth in Vivaldi’s “Winter, from the Four Seasons,” and a bassoon can become a grumpy old bear in Fucik’s “The Old Sore-head.” “Winter” featured accordion soloist Christopher Gorton, whose virtuosity inspired Dr. Badea to call him back for two encores. Fucik’s bear was portrayed by bassoon soloist Stephanie Busby. She commanded the instrument, nearly as large as a bear. A special treat was the return to Brockton of Miss Rhode Island, soprano Francesca Simone, in incredible gown and heavenly voice. She sang “O Holy Night” and “Ave Maria,” and in a duet with flautist Carolyn Baughman, “O Belle Nuit,” made even lovelier by Emilia Pepen’s harp. Leo MacNeil of Harbor One Credit Union, the Symphony’s principle sponsor, introduced Dennis Carmen of United Way of Plymouth County, guest conductor for “Jingle Bells Forever,” a combination of the Christmas carol with Sousa. There isn’t room to describe every song, but the afternoon was made even more enchanting when 118 children, the West Middle School Chorus, came on stage. They sang “White Christmas” a cappella, “Ose Shalom” accompanied by clarinet, accordion and string quartet, and “Jamaican Noel” with Dr. Badea on piano. The children were conducted by Rebecca Desmond, whose pride in them was a joy to behold. Later in the show they returned, along with Ms. Simone, to lead the audience in Leroy Anderson’s “Christmas Festival.” This was a wonderful concert.
Harry R. Williams III
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